As it is never possible to be certain about the ability of outside entities to get into an affected area after any type of disaster, the most appropriate method of planning begins with planning for self sufficiency by animal owners and the local community. It may be days or longer before any state or federal assistance efforts can be brought to bear in response to a disaster event.
As such, this web page has been constructed to provide a source of information to anyone interested in enhancing the level of disaster preparedness for themselves and their animals: animal owners can link to resources that will provide checklists, planning tools, and other ideas to consider in readying themselves for the event that we hope will not arise. Communities can link to several animals-in-disaster response plans for use as templates - these plans have been drawn from around the country and should be tailored to your community's resources and needs. Anyone interested can link to the state response plans and legislation which address animals in disaster planning and preparedness.
Just like any valid emergency response plan, this page is a living document and will be updated and improved as time passes. If there are comments, please forward them to
Portable Document Format (.pdf). Visit for a list of free .pdf readers for a variety of operating systems.
NH Department of Agriculture, Markets and Food
Mailing: PO Box 2042, Concord NH 03302 -2042
Physical: 1 Granite Place South, Suite 211, Concord, NH 03301
(603) 271-3551 | fax: (603) 271-1109